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Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Merry Christmas!!!

Greeting’s Friends & Family,

We are nearing the end of 2010 and what a year it has been! I’ve managed to pack it full of many exciting moments, and many, many valuable lesson’s learned (or I hope to have learned!). All of you know my life is FULL of horses. Eat, sleep, and breath horses. Horses are not just apart of my life, but a way of life. This year I started a ‘Blog’ (aka an online journal) to share my experiences with my friends and family about all of my horse shows and record every fox hunt; all 55 of them so far this year, for the fox hunt that I work for. In some spare time I manage my farm’s web site, as well as the hunts. Along with my horse showing, and fox hunting I was able to share several weeks this summer here in Pennsylvania with my family who moved to New Hampshire and was able to have them back again for a week during Thanksgiving. I also managed to drive three times to New Hampshire and back home again, all in one piece! Along the way this year I sold and trained a bunch of horses. A few of them left with a bunch of tears but like always I’ve managed to grow from these experiences too.

I’d like to share of few of the experiences throughout this year that have meant a lot to me. In the world of showing horses I moved at the start of this year from being very successful in the amateur division, to dropping my amateur status and turning professional. A lot of my goals are years in the making, and I believe its time to start now by laying the foundations of success. A top Grand Prix trainer and rider who I've known for two years now, told me 'Welcome to the real world' when he realized I dropped my Amateur Status with the United States Equestrian Federation, and according to Jimmy my trainer, I have a 'long row to hoe' and for me this new ‘professional’ role gives me a whole new feeling of excitement!

My quest to compete in Grand Prix Ring actually started in June 2007. At the time I knew very little about riding show jumpers and I didn’t care, I had the heart, the 'guts', and most of all the unstopping desire to reach my goals. With great help and wonderful horses, the quest so far has been going well, even though it has taken about three years to get into the Grand Prix Ring!

At the beginning of this year (2010) I was told by my coach that he felt like we were starting all over again, referring to the change from Amateur to Professional. What I did was jump from a little goldfish bowl into the ocean! I realize now that what I have learned over the last few years is that there is no value that you can place on experience. You can buy the best horse, and you might have great talent, but experience, experience is what will make you truly great. 2010 marked my start back to the 'drawing board' to soak up more experience. I used to want everything all at once, but I know now that’s not the way to do it. So bring on the experience!!! I'll take a full helping please.

I suppose another thing I learned is that I have to trust the feelings I get from my horses, and no matter what rails you have, no matter what turns you make, no matter WHAT, you have to trust yourself! But there is a price to pay with this... (aka arrogance), you better darn toot'n be ready to stand behind your choices’ in the ring (as in life). When your the one in the drivers seat and you’re the one making the rules once the buzzer goes off, then you better take a little lesson in arrogance (a sense: a manifest feeling of personal superiority in rank, power, dignity, or estimation).

What does arrogance have to do with my riding? Here is something that has been drilled into my head for the last three years, 'Sit up and ride the horse. Ride right down to the bottom and own the place!‘ I think I’m starting to finally get it! I guess the way I see it, is that you need the kind of ’arrogance’ that keeps you going forward, that makes you tune out all the can not’s, and keeps you plugging away at what truly matters. This year really helped me relate my showing and riding experiences into every day life. Its amazing how connected everything is and its amazing how when you trust yourself, and you trust your horse, you can come down to any jump as arrogant as you want!

Another valuable lesson learned was never hold onto excuses! I learned this lesson while showing at the Devon Horse Show (Remember Devon… 'Where Champions Meet' ?) All in all, I was very happy. I had, however been thinking too much a long the lines of 'excuses'. What exactly... well using the excuse that it was LaGrange’s third show ever, or using the excuse that all LaGrange had ever done until 3 weeks before the show was fox hunt and go to the races to outride.

I used these excuses to tell myself that our 6th and 7th place ribbons where ‘okay’. But that’s just what they were, excuses. I could have won just as easily as we did not. I learned to wrap up all those silly excuses, in a small figurative little bag and thrown them out the window. LaGrange is a 5 year old, thoroughbred, gelding, and 2010 marks my first year showing him. When he isn't busy eating or playing in the field with his friends, and you look at him with his crooked blaze and his floppy ears, you can't help but look into his eyes and see an old soul. He is such a kind hearted horse.

I also had a really great time at the Berks County Equine Council where I was entered in a Puissance. A brick wall jump that they raise up, and up until no one can jump it. I entered late, so I was at the top of the order of go.. JB, my horse and I made it to the 4th and final round at 5'4", by puissance record standings isn't huge but for my 3rd go at the puissance I was happy at the height to get experience. 'JB' was all game and seriously had it in her to keep jumping a big wall. My lack of experience and not knowing where to be at the base got me in trouble in the final round having the fence down... but we were one of three to actually complete the two jumps and not to crash into them! Great effort for the girlie considering the jump was bigger than she was!

At the same show, Ganowe was entered in the Berks County Mini Prix and we were 3rd to go in the order out of 15... We ended up one of two horses that made a clear effort in the first go and went on to win the mini prix with the fastest round. It was such an honor to ride Ganowe, and then to have them put the ribbon around him made me feel so happy for him. He so deserved the ribbon, and I feel like he knew that's where he belonged. Ganowe is such a cool horse, and he loves to compete. It was nice to give him a good ride and I felt we were able to be a successful team together. After we were all done and the horses were wrapped and on the truck ready to go home, they had a look in their eye that they were proud of themselves too. That's a good feeling.

So my very big day had come in Clarksville, Maryland at the Howard County Grand Prix. It marked my very first Grand Prix ride, and a pretty neat experience to compete with 21 riders who's Grand Prix/Olympic experience was above my own (since this was my very first Grand Prix. Ha-Ha.). The best part of the whole time there was the sound of the buzzer after they said, "Number 13, Ganowe 2, with owner/rider Priscilla Godsoe from Nottingham, Pennsylvania. When not showing she whips-in to the River Hills Foxhounds 4 days a week, and this will be her 3 start in the Grand Prix ring" ... guess they didn't get my info straight but oh, well.

When you have 40 seconds to get to the first fence in a jumper class you tend to get a certain amount of confidence or control that you feel when you are in the ring, right before you your course; I think its a rather euphoric moment. Instead of going into the whole course and how it rode and felt, I'll just sum it up that we had a really good go, we met all the distances and combinations, and all the tricky stuff. I have to say the whole experience left me feeling extremely confident. I really felt after that class that I was actually getting somewhere! I am slowly reaching my goals!

Along with showing I spend much of my free time foxhunting, or playing with the 9 foxhound puppies that we had this year. Foxhunting through the years has been a great outlet for my energy and riding. There is nothing better than being outside with a good horse and a pack of fox hounds. I’ve learned a lot of things this year that have spilled over from my showing, into fox hunting. A lot of it has to do with just trusting yourself, and the instincts you have. I’d like to share an excerpt from the hunt ’Blog’ from one memorable days of hunting this year:

Day 46 of the Hunting Season - November 22nd, 2010. Twas a hunt of rather epic proportions and as our MFH Jim Paxson would add, "The hunting god's were with us". I believe the weather had a big role in our day leaving the scent to lay fast and strong, and thus giving the hounds 'wings' as if the were flying across the fields and through the woods.

I rode a horse called Willie II (or as Fred calls him Willie Also), and I would say that through all of the hunting season to this point he has managed to be one of our fittest hunt horses at RHF. My reason for stating this, is that I hit the bottom of Willie II after our first - and only run of the day. I cannot recount any time when this has happened to me in all of my hunting seasons.

We started out by casting in towards the Old House and around the Palisades. Fred viewed the fox from the Stone Pile woods headed out across towards the Pipeline... (I do think it is safe to say this was Fred the Fox...but I could be wrong - it has happened once or twice), I do know this much, I got to the Fishing Creek Road, and didn't stop galloping until I got to the crossing where you can get up towards Gibson's and Ankrums little streams. I had to make a call, and as a whip you run this risk, be wrong and suffer the consequences - which are monumental, or be right and hope like heck all the hounds are there or accounted for before the Master gets there!

Hounds were coming off the meet side, heading straight down towards the little stream, and right straight back up the other side toward the cornfield at Doug's. I listened for a second to see if they were going to run high along the river, or was the fox going to head back towards the Bone Woods??? All I knew was that we had 21 1/2 couple of hounds running and I heard them and them I heard them leaving my direction the other way. Its hard to express the country we were hunting unless you've seen it or hunted it, but basically its a winding ravine and if the hounds get to one side of it you cannot hear them, and you can lose them, very fast!

So, I was given two options.. a: continue down the Fishing Creek Road in hopes the hounds didn't head out across Gibson's towards the park, or b: go up the path and just stay with the hounds and hope to god that we didn't go where ever we didn't plan on hunting that day (Deer hunting season is going to start next week - we were hoping to not go to the park, and not go across the Fishing Creek Rd... it is now safe to say, we did accomplish to not do one of those 'Do Nots' which was, we didn't go to the park... crossing the road - yes we did that!) To add to the decision process, I was the only one with the hounds, so, no one else was going to be catching up very fast either way.

I galloped up towards Doug’s and I saw the hounds across the cornfield and heading towards Sinclair's, it wasn't until I got to the next cornfield behind Doug’s that I saw the hounds had gone parallel of the Fern Glen Rd and dropped down in the woods toward the Murder House. I knew what this meant... and I was pretty much panicked. Actually I was totally panicked. I was the only one with the hounds and I had managed to let the hound drop to the road and I couldn't get there fast enough to do anything. Its really hard to make the call on the radio and say, 'The hounds have crossed the road and are heading towards ... '

Oh... yes, for those who were out, this part, which is only now funny - In my little panic state I had managed to confuse my road names saying we were headed towards Scalpy Hollow Rd (total and complete opposite direction - Note to anyone every wanting follow in the joys of whipping-in, Whips are not allowed to be wrong.. not so much as once, ha ha). So, Scalpy Hollow was actually Harmony Ridge, either way, which ever road, I knew that as fast as I was going on my horse to catch up to the hounds, it was just that, I was only catching up, and not actually getting in a position to do anything. Not a good feeling.

The hounds had run from Gibson's, to the Murder House, up the Pine Tree Side of the Power Lines and thankfully took a bend towards the Loop and Montana Ridge. At this point I was on Harmony Ridge, I was not going to let a single four legged creature cross that road and head towards Benton Hollow and beyond. MFH Jimmy, Fred, Gary, and Al were along the Fishing Creek trying to listen through the echoes and try to figure out where the hounds might go next.

I dropped in off of the Harmony Ridge Rd towards Herr's Point, I couldn't hear a thing... nodda. MFH Jimmy was, to say in a way as to not over exaggerate, ready to sit down, put his head in his hands, and quite possibly need a glass of Jack Daniels in order to start to feel better because for a good 15+ minutes we had managed to completely lose all 21 1/2 hounds. With the Thanksgiving and Children's Hunt coming up, it was going to be rather embarrassing to have to announce that we were going to have to cancel, why.. because we lost all the River Hills Foxhounds. MFH Jimmy was starting to mumble on the radio, Gary, Fred and I started to realize we had better see or hear a hound quick or we might as well pitch tents because we were going to be pulling an all nighter finding hounds along the Fishing Creek. Also as a side note: I was suppose to leave that afternoon for New Hampshire, and I was also running thoughts through my head - how do I call my family and say I'm not coming because I lost all the hounds?

Fred thought he heard or saw hounds near the stone pile, and how he go up to the stone pile was beyond me, I was sitting on the Herr's Point Side listening when I saw Fred go cantering out across the field and found the lead hounds full speed ahead going into the Bone Woods, practically back at the meet. What joy. You know if you find lead hounds, the middle and back hounds will eventually meet up at that point as well.

If you could visualize the terrain and know that where I was and where Fred was, was a pretty big span of area. However, if you happened to be a bird you would have been fine, but in my case had to come down from the ridge I was on, cross the Fishing Creek, and go back up the other side. Putting two and two together I was making an assumption that the fox was going to head back towards the covert we originally pushed him out of, so I swung wide and came up by Adam's side and headed around the old house and back in towards Sam's and the Bone Woods (a part of my swinging wide was fear of running into MFH Jimmy and not having anything to be able to tell him that would have been comforting or assuring)

MFH Jimmy, Gary, and Al were at the Dog Box, and were able to get the hounds up to the horn. I was at the end of the Bone Woods and from my view it looked like a lot of hounds were coming to him. I rode around and to all of our amazement, astonishment, and disbelief, every single hound was there. The hounds were tickled with themselves, they had ran so fast and so strong, and they knew they had worked together as a pack. Personally, I found two things completely amazing a: Audrey was with us and b: Keno and Kiki had kept up! I don't really know how that's possible... but they did and that's all that matters. I guess it really proves that the Pen Marydels have a lot of heart.

Sometimes people will say Pen Marydels aren't fast, now I have never been one to say this, but it has been said. But, let me tell you this Mr. Nay Sayer, when your riding a fit thoroughbred, your eyes are watering at a full gallop and you still cant keep up, then you my friend are riding to the wrong pack of Pen Marydel Foxhounds, because if your going to head out with us - hold on to your hat and get read to ride!

If your not bored by now reading about all of this, then I encourage you to try and get on the computer and follow everything on my two ‘blogs’ or by following on my web sites, and I’ll leave everyone in 2010 with this quote,

‘Here's to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The trouble-makers. The round heads in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They're not fond of rules. And they have no respect for the status-quo. You can quote them. Disagree with them. Glorify, or vilify them. But the only thing you can't do is ignore them. Because they change things. They push the human race forward. And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world.. Are the ones who do.’

I hope that somehow in all of this, and in my journey that I too can help inspire others while trying to fulfill my own dreams and goals. I also what to take this time to thank all of you, who have stood by me, who encourage me, who help me clean my tack before horse shows, who send e-mails to wish me luck, who bring coffee to the hunts when its super cold, and those who have loved me - Thank you.

Merry Christmas and I wish you all the very best 2011!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Woodedge - Dream Park - December 12th,2010

Nice and easy day at the Dream Park horse show grounds in Glouster County, NJ.

Despite the threat of rain, we stayed dry and it was rather warm. I took La Grange, my little 5 year old, fox hunter/show pony in the 1.15m. We were 2nd in the first class and 3rd in the second class.

I was thrilled with the little man. For just fox hunting and hanging out at Funnel Lake, he went in the ring and jumped the jumps well. Still room for flat work improvements, but all that takes is time. Slow and steady.

Cheers for now - P

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Duncraven (With The Fab 5's)

Sunday October 3rd, 2010

We took the three FABULOUS 5 years olds - LaGrange, Tinka's Lady, Irish Cheer (Braddock)to the Duncraven horse show in New Jersey on Sunday.

We had a really good day and I was able to feel really confident about the things that I have been doing with the horses on the off showing times. I really feel like they are growing, and learning and feeling, most importantly, more confident with themselves. Its such a good feeling as a trainer to feel the horses really trust you and then when they do things showing they trust themselves.

I took Tinka and Braddock in the 2'9" class to let them get around the course and see the jumps, and everything that young horses feel the need to look at.
Braddock was 1st (double clean)
Tink was 2nd (time fault - aka rider error haha)

Since the two went so well we decided to move them up to 3'6" at the height they usually school at home..

I can't remember which horses won what... but here is how we ended:

LaGrange Champion
Tinka's Lady Tied Res Champion
Braddock Tied Res Champion

I'm so excited to have these two guys and girl to work with :-)

More to come

Monday, September 27, 2010

$40,000 Howard County Grand Prix - September 25th, 2010

Hey guys!

I had a really exciting weekend in Clarksville, Maryland at the Howard County Grand Prix.

We arrived at the show grounds at 11:38am on Friday to check in before 1:00pm and get Ganowe settled in. After getting everything unpacked I got my number; #13, which was also my order of go for Saturday.

I took Ganowe for a stroll around the grounds Friday night around 7:00pm, it was in the 90's all day so we thought it would be best to just wait until it cooled off.

We had an early start Saturday with a work around the schooling area at 6:00am, followed by a trail ride through the woods around Marama Farm. We didn't have to be ready until 2:00 for the course walk, and then the parade of riders in the ring.

Pretty neat experience to go in with 21 riders who's Grand Prix experience was above my own, since this was my very first Grand Prix. HaHa.

The best part of the whole time there was the sound of the buzzer after they said, "Number 13, Ganowe 2, with owner/rider Priscilla Godsoe from Nottingham, Pennsylvania. When not showing she whips-in to the the River Hills Foxhounds 4 days a week, and this will be her 3 start in the Grand Prix ring" ... guess they didn't get my info straight but oh, well, the best part was knowing I had 40 seconds to get to the first fence, and I'm not sure how to describe it but there is a certain amount of confidence or control you feel when you are in the ring, and start your course. I think its a rather euphoric moment.

Instead of going into the whole course and how it rode and felt I'll just sum it up that we had a really good go, and we met all the distances and combinations, and all the tricky stuff. I have to say the whole experience has left me feeling extremely confident, and I'm so excited to go back at it again. And also, I am really excited to ride my young horses everyday, knowing that they too will be in the Grand Prix ring someday, and that's just such an exciting thing to be apart of in bringing them along.

That's it for now... Ganowe looks good, looks sound and looks happy, so he is no worse for the wear! Good ol' Man :-)


Monday, September 20, 2010

Bareback Puissance at Plantation Fields September 19th

What fun, fun, fun...

Bareback Puissance at Plantation Fields

I took, JB, she was really good.

I dont think I trust any of my other horses besides her to go down and jump the wall.

We jumped around 5' and then went back at 5'3" but had it down. I had one more wait but she saw a shot she wanted to jump from and we got a bit off kilter.

Oh well!

Everyone stayed on top, and stayed safe!

Thanks to Katie Walker and Plantaion Fields for letting us be a part of the fun :-)

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Quentin Fall Show - Sept 4th, 2010


I was up at 5am to go fox hunting, and then after hunting, we left at 2:00pm to ride in the $10,000 1.40m Prix and the Quentin Fall show.

The course, as I walked it, seemed to be set to the forward distance, and the turns to the jumps left no room for error. I had to ride second, however, to my advantage I was able to watch Kevin Babbington navigate the course in the first round. After watching Kevin, I felt really confident in the plan I had made for my ride, so in I went!

The first fence was a very plain, airy vertical, and not the smallest fence on the course. From there you bent to the left to another vertical (easiest fence on the course... and I had it down) and then to a large square oxer sitting on the turn at the in gate. After the oxer was an in and out, vertical to oxer along the rail at the stands to a bit of an off stride vertical still along the rail, and then fence six was an oxer with a tight turn to the left to wrap around two fences to get to seven, which was a liver pool oxer.

Now in my opinion, fence(s) 8 a,b were apart of the toughest elements or the course, an oxer to an oxer in and out, set pretty long. I couldn't have been more pleased when Ganowe jumped in, and I could feel him know exactly were he was and he felt so confident jumping out! From here we bent around fence three to get to a swishy jump for fence nine. From nine was a bit of a long gallop to an airy, plain oxer along the rail and then a left bend to another oxer on the turn but set a little different than I thought when I got there. Either way it rode okay, just a little bit surprised.

The last elements were 12 a,b... I had to ride into the first part which was an oxer, and then a bit of a quick hold to come out clean over the vertical.

Phew... okay so you just rode the course with me. I had a blast! We didnt make it to the jump off, but I know we are on the path to success. I felt really good about everything.

Helen Goddard was the fastest, double clear in the jump off, and then Kevin Babbington was the fastest four faulter, and Michael Walton was also a four fault round to finish up the jump off in third...

Ganowe and I finished 9th, we were able to pretty much pay for the day, and go home with something more valuable... EXPERIENCE! And the drive to keep going at it.

off to Ludwigs tomorrow!

Cheers - P

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Duncraven August 29th 2010

Candle has been burning at both ends for the last two weeks... so don't mind me if I'm not as insightful as I should be.

I did have a good day at the show. I took Ganowe in the Meter 1.25 class and he felt great. We were able to be the fastest clear to win.

Also went in the 10,000 Mini Prix at Meter 1.30... course and fences were great I really enjoyed some of the different things the course asked from us as riders.

Our out come in the Mini Prix was not what I had planned, haha, but we finished 10th and I felt really good about what I learned and accomplished.

I 'facebook stalked' someone we all know at the horse shows, Brian Livell, and on his FB he has a quote:

"The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it."

I don't know why, but for some reason it hit a cord with me and I'm going to use that to sum up the day.

Good Night all, see you Thursday and Saturday at Quentin :-)

Cheers - P

Saturday, August 14, 2010

The Super 5's @ London Grove Horse Show - August 14th, 2010


I don't have anything super exciting to report and don't have any pictures (sorry).

Horses that I took to show (MY SUPER 5 YEAR OLDS - haha):

All three horses were great. They are definitely handling the new world of horse showing as a 'cool new thing'. The most exciting part is that as each class progressed they got better and better.

Tinkadid great in the L2's, and seemed very comfortable with the height while learning about turns and new jumps. I think after the first 2 classes she would have been perfectly ready to do a class in the L3's

Braddockwill need to move up into the L2's. He was very comfortable in the L1's placing very well in all three classes. Time for a step up buddy!

La Grangewas the coolest, as in he was very 'chill' and he jumped GREAT! Probably one of his best shows.

Okay, I'm tired and ready for bed! Night all :-)


Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Sunday August 8th 2010 Berks County Mini Prix & Puissance

Hello Everyone! Yes I know its Tuesday, not Sunday but I wanted to wait until the pictures were up so I could share them...

I had such a great time and my horses; Judge Beautiful, and Ganowe 2 were just awesome!

'JB' was entered in the Puissance and since I entered late I was at the top of the order of go.. We made it to the 4th and final round at 5'4", by puissance record standings isn't huge but for my 3rd go at the puissance I was happy at the height to get experience. 'JB' was all game and seriously had it in her to keep jumping a big wall.

My lack of experience and not knowing where to be at the base got me in trouble in the final round having the fence down... but we were one of three to actually complete the two jumps and not to crash into them! Which was impressive to me and showed me how much heart my little girl really has... ps.. 'JB' is maybe, just maybe 16.1 hh and I'm at least 5'9" so, I was out there looking like I was on a pony! Great effort for the girlie considering the jump was bigger than she was!

Ganowe was entered in the $5000 Mini Prix and we were 3rd to go in the order out of 15... We ended up one of two horses that made a clear effort in the first go and went on to win the mini prix. It was such an honor to ride him, and then to have them put the ribbon around him made me feel so happy for him. He so deserved the ribbon, and I feel like he knew that's where he belonged. Ganowe is such a cool horse, and he loves to compete. It was nice to give him a good ride and I felt we were able to be a successful team together.

After we were all done and the horses were wrapped and on the truck ready to go home, they had a look in their eye that they were proud of themselves too. That's a good feeling.

Next show will be Vince Dugans, I'm taking Braddock and Tinka! Wish us luck :-)


Thursday, July 29, 2010

Having fun.. and taking care of yourself!

Well everyone, we had a great day yesterday at the Fair Hill Jumper Show.

I took Baggage, Tinka's Lady, Irish Cheer (aka Braddock), and La Grange.

It was a pretty hot day, but the horses did great.

I took Tinka and Braddock both in the 3' jumper class, and I was thrilled with the effort they put in. Both horses had never really shown, they had definitely never seen tents all around the ring, and lots and lots of people and horses all over. Both horses jumped around great depite the fact they were unsure of everything, and I got by on them trusting me! Thank goodness for that :-) Tinka ended up 4th, and Braddock was 5th!

Next class was the 3'3, and I took La Grange in that. It was his 6th horse show. I think he woke up on the wrong side of the stall! For some reason he was just not in good humor.. silly horse. It took two classes to mellow him out. We ended up 3rd in one class and 2nd in the Jumper Classic.

After the three 5 year olds showed (Tinka, Braddock, La Grange) I pulled out my Ace, 'Super Bags'. I really enjoyed riding him again. He jumped ONE time since showing him in May at Blue Rock so his first round in the ring was a bit playful! By our second round he was all game, and put forth some killer turns to produce a winner, winner, winner! In the Classic round we place 2nd.

Now, I have been beating myself up for this one.. A here are my reasons: I did not eat all day, I did drink a lot but by my very last class I was over heated, and was not 100%. I was getting dizzy and did not do my best. What made me upset was that I did not take care of myself. Its really important to do this. If you can't eat while riding you should prepare to eat that morning or eat a big meal the night before. I didnt do either one. So what cost me the class was not taking care of myself and there is no excuse! If you are expecting your horses to perform, you better be able to perform yourself! So a note worthy experience.

All in all a great day!

Monday, June 28, 2010


Sunday, June 27th, I took Ganowe 2 to the Middlesex Horse Show held at the New Jersey Horse Park. We shipped in for the $10,000 1.30m Prix. There were 20 entries, and I was on the order of go at 5th.

I walked the course with my mom, and explained the different things that I saw in the course. It was fun to share that with her. I gave her Ganowe to work with since she has been down from New Hampshire and she has completely fallen in love with him. So for her it was more exciting to watch the horse go since she had been riding him every day.

I on the other hand had not ridden the horse since our 1.40m course at Blue Rock which was in May...but I guess that it really doesn't matters when riding Ganowe. For me, the 1.30m course was my forth go at a bigger level course. I felt pretty confident in the ride I gave Ganowe. He felt perfectly confident, and very game to tackle whatever I pointed him at.

I've had Ganowe for a year this month, and not that I'm looking for a 'pat on the back' but we've come a long, long way and I think that our course at Middlesex was our first course that we really did together. It felt good. We didn't complete a fault free course, but we tackled the hardest elements with ease.

I wish I had the ability to show every weekend at this level, and continue getting to know Ganowe, but its easier said than done. I have to bring along the young guys and keep Ganowe fit enough to slip him in every once in a while. We will get there! I have full confidence :-)

Swan Lake

Wednesday June 23rd I took La Grange to Swan Lake in Littlestown , PA for the 5 Year Old Qualifier. Looking back at the day I was happy with La Grange, and I was pretty happy with the ride I gave him.

Swan Lake was our fifth horse show ever. I trust that La Grange can actually JUMP, so what we are working out is experience. He doesn't back off the jumps but he does see the score board and he does see the tents and the people moving around when we are on course, can sometimes distract him from jumping brilliantly and causing a rail.

I think what I realize is that I expect A LOT from this little guy. I think we can get so wrapped up into what we want, and forget to see where we've come from, and be grateful for all our experiences and improvements.

We finished 3rd in the qualifier. Our next stop is Princeton on Thursday and the Dream Park on Friday. Both shows holding the qualifier classes.

Saturday, June 12, 2010


We had a pretty long day yesterday... got up at 2:30am fed the horses and then we left for Upperville, VA to go in the 5 Year Old Young Jumper Qualifier Class with La Grange. It was a brand new experience for La Grange seeing as it was on the grass in a big field. The jumps were great, the footing wasnt too bad, and all in all I had a great time. La Grange felt really confident jumping the new jumps and handled everything well leaving us in 5th Place. I didnt have anyone to video tape or do pictures so I'm sorry, you'll just have to trust me that it was a good day.

Next stop is a small schooling show this Sunday, and then PJA :-)

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

No Excuses

So today was DEVON..Day One: and, also, more importantly show three for La Grange.

All in all, I was very happy. Extremely happy. However, the boss was not. Why? Well I guess I have been thinking too much a long the lines of 'excuses'. What exactly... well using the excuse that it was our third show ever, or using the excuse that all he has ever done until 3 weeks ago was fox hunt and go to the races to outride. So, now those excuses where wrapped up in a small figurative little bag and thrown out the window, somewhere on Sugartown Road as we left to go home this morning.

One would think that those 'excuses' sound pretty legitimate.. they are, if you were on any other horse besides La Grange. He is a goofy little man, when he isn't busy eating or playing in the field with his friends, and you look at him and his crooked blaze and his floppy ears, you can't help but look into his eyes and see an old soul. He is such a kind hearted horse. He walked into the ring at Devon, couldn't care at all, acted like this was his job.

From my place in the jockeys seat he felt like he jumped fantastic. I could feel him take a little step back at the size of the jumps. Usually we go in a class that is one level smaller to get a feel for the jumps and the lines, but not at Devon. Remember Devon 'Where Champions Meet' ? So, cold turkey jump the jumps, go clean and jump off... ummm not so easy.

With the slight hesitance that I was feeling I started to ride with my reins a little loose, loosing the 'frame' that we had been carrying so well, and I tried to give him a confident and free ride around the course... that lead to a couple rails down and a green ribbon.

So again, what was so bad about all that you say? Well, I wasn't on just any horse, I was on La Grange, and that's what I need to keep in mind. I decided to remember this as well, "Veni, vidi, vici" and know that we, La Grange and I, can do anything. We are on the path to greater things, and that's far better than being on no path at all!

We ride tomorrow at Devon at 9am - wish us the best!

Cheers for now - Priscilla

Friday, May 21, 2010

Blue Rock Horse Show

We had another great day.

I got over more jumps and I got to go around a Level 7 course on my wonderful Ganowe.

La Grange went in the Level 1 and 3 classes to get around the course and get experience before the 5 Year Old YJC Class. With each class he went better and better. In the 5 Yr Old Class we were one of four to jump off. We had a great time and were double clear to get the blue. He was wonderful.

Baggie also went in the Level 3. He hadn't shown in month or so, so I just gave him a school around the course. I couldn't help myself but go for it in the jump off. Baggie felt great as well and he went on to win the class out of 40 horses. I also took Baggie in the Level 5. Again he felt wonderful, however I jumped into 7a, an oxer, to a tight 7b vertical.. we had 'b' down. We were the fastest 4 fault round and ended up 8th. I was happy.

Super Ganova (Ganowe) went into the Level 7 Speed ad he was great. I have to admit that I did not ride the course the way I had envisioned in my head. I had a really great trip planned but we had the first fence down, haha, and I bumped up the pace..I think I ended up over riding and found myself disappointed in ME... but not Ganowe. He was great.
Alright... I'm beat. I'm heading off to bed. Next show - DEVON!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Little Fish - Big Pond

It is Sunday morning as I sit on my couch and write about Friday... not that I was avoiding writing but I did feel a bit tired after riding all day Friday, battling the elements of the Thunderstorm on the way home, and then waking up early Saturday to ride for six and half hours at the Radnor Races. This morning just feels like a better place to start.

We got to the St. Christopher's show grounds in Quentin, PA around 7:30a.m. which gave the horses plenty of time to relax on the truck, and gave me time to make my entries. I had brought Ganowe for the Meter 1.20 and the Welcome Stake, Judge Beautiful for the Meter 1.20, and the first timer, La Grange for the 5 Year Old Jumpers. As it turned out, like it always seems to, all of my classes on all three horses seemed to be lined up back to back and I was pretty much jumping off of one and going in with another.

I ended up taking La Grange in a Meter.95 to let him see the jumps, and the ring, and the big sign at the end of the ring that flashed his name across it. He had a double clean trip, not fast enough to win, but a great effort for his first ever time in the horse show ring. La Grange is a young Thoroughbred that we started fox hunting two seasons ago. After a few times out I fell in love with him, and I knew he was very special.

There are not many 3 year olds that you can hunt the hounds off of, whip off of, take down a busy highway, walk down train tracks to stop hounds, out ride at Winterthur, Willowdale, Radnor, Plumsted, Fair Hill, etc... As impressive as his fox hunting and out riding abilities have been he had started to show some talent for jumping, however, he was only 3 years old. He had to sit on the 'back burner' so to speak and just grow up and be a horse.

As a 5 year old, La Grange made a lot of development changes in his body, he started to fill out, he started to put on muscle and fill out a lot more in his neck, and just over all started to really look good, so, I decided now should be the time he gets a little more in gear for another shift in his career change, show jumping! No sooner, and when I say that I mean about one week, did I talk to Jimmy about showing La Grange, did we have his USEF number, and papers lined up to start the Young Jumper Division, and our entries were in for our first show at St.Christopher's.

We cantered straight into the ring in our first class, the buzzer went off and we put down our first clean trip, went into the jump off and put in another clean trip. In the 5 Year Old Class we did have a rail at the 10b combination, and did not make it to the jump off but I was able to ask him to turn a little more, wait a little more, and basically just ride him around the course as if he knew exactly what he was doing. All in all I was ecstatic on his performance. Later that day I entered him for Devon in the 5 Year Old Class. He will be showing after Junior Weekend on Tuesday and Wednesday, in the Gold Ring at 9 a.m. Nothing like jumping right in there with the best of them!

Now onto the Meter 1.20 class with Ganowe and JB, both were fantastic. Both jumped wonderful. I hadn't jumped JB since February? and I hadn't shown her since October... I'm definitely not recommending this strategy for everyone, but that's just how it worked out for her. I ride her every single day besides Saturdays and Sundays, so don't worry, she was/is fit! I decided in the last two weeks to show her in my own hackamore/sidepull contraption which really seemed to benefit her jumping performance. I was absolutely please with her mindset, her jumping, and the overall way that she felt in the speed class. She is really a confident animal. Ganowe also felt great, he jumped beautiful, and I was able to ask for some trickier turns, and just see what he had in him before I took him in the Welcome Stake later that afternoon.

In the Welcome Stake I went 14th out of 20 horses, in the schooling ring Ganowe felt great, but when I went in the ring, landed off my first fence I thought something was a little funny, I headed for fence two, my mind more focused on how the horse took each step then sitting up and riding the tall vertical in front of me, and we had it down. Rider error!!! Haha (only today is it really a 'haha').
In the landing off fence two he still felt soft and I went on to fence three knowing full well Jimmy was right in front of me and would have told me to pull up if he saw something really wrong. I do have to add this in, Jimmy is an amazing rider, but he is not just an amazing rider, he knows how to watch a horse. He knows what is going on, he knows how they feel. I do trust everything that he sees in the horse, even though sometimes I wish he would get on and feel what I feel in the horse.
After the landing at fence three I knew everything was fine and I went on and rode my course. Horse felt great after that. From fence one to three I was mentally not there. I ended up disappointed in my ride because of that. I had a very specific plan for the course I had wanted to ride, but it didn't happen and I had to improvise.

Improvising happens A LOT in the jumper ring, but what it taught me was to never loose your game and never loose your focus. Its not that I wanted to ignore what the horse felt like, but my reaction time needed to be a lot quicker and faster. After that class I was happy to look back and think about how far I have come with Ganowe. I haven't had him a year yet and He's been a phenomenal horse, and a great team player. I appreciate him, Jeremiah, JB, Alice, and Baggie for all they have done for me in the last three years. I hope what I've learned from them, from Jimmy, and from Mom-mom with help be bring La Grange along to the champion I know he will be.

Next show, Blue Rock!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Ride With Arrogance

Arrogance/sense: a manifest feeling of personal superiority in rank, power, dignity, or estimation

Okay so what does Arrogance have to do with my ride today at the Four Seasons Horse Show?? Not too much, right? We shall see... besides, it was the 'phrase of the day' that seems to now be ringing in my ear.

Marty, a trainer and rider I've known for two years now, told me 'Welcome to the real world' when he realized I dropped my Amateur Status with USEF. That being said and with a hearty chuckle, might have been enough to let you sink into your boots and think, what have I gotten myself into! However, I didn't say it then, according to Jimmy I have a 'long row to hoe', but I really had a lot of fun today. I felt energized and excited. How great is it to ride with Marty, and Kevin Babbington, Hugo Hesca, Helen Goddard, Devin (I forget his last name)... I don't know about you but from where I was sitting along the rail today and in the ring, I was having a great time! So today for me, was a great day in the 'real world'.

I suppose I forgot to add my results in all this, I'm sure your dying to know! I took Baggie in the Meter 1.20 and he was 3rd, Ganowe went in the Meter 1.30 and was 6th. I also took both horses in the $7,500 Jumper Class at Meter 1.30. Baggie was 8th and Ganowe 5th!! Baggie felt great today, I think that was one of the wonderful feelings to me. He was double clear in the 1.20 but I didn't go for time in the jump off...geez! what was I thinking? Ha ha, it was okay in my mind. I know whats in there! Baggie did act a little worried in the Classic, the first fence was a lime green and white square oxer, about the biggest fence on the course and he seemed a bit taken back with the width once we were in the air. I almost feel like I could hear him thinking, 'whoa who put this here!' But he had a lot of inner confidence and that just makes me feel great. It wasn't too long ago that when he got nervous he would drop back to a trot and trot over such fences blasting me almost out of the tack! I'm really hoping we are over that now. So anyway we ended up having a couple rails down which wasn't ideal. It was what it was, and like I said before we now have 14 more fences of 'experience' under our belt. Ganowe aka Super Nova, was great too. I just have to learn his stride and 'coil' him up more from behind. I kept getting into the combinations with a lot of horse and I really had no idea until it was too late. His stride opens up almost without you knowing because the whole time your out there you just feel like your floating. Super Nova is a really special guy to me and I'm really, truly grateful that I get to ride him and be a part of his life. I have A LOT to learn from him.

So what did 'I' learn today...

I suppose I learned that I have to trust the feelings I get from the horses, and no matter what rails you have, no matter what turns you make, no matter WHAT, you have to trust yourself! But there is a price to pay with this trust... (aka Arrogance), you better darn toot'n be ready to stand behind them when you walk out of the ring. Your the one on the horse. Your the one in the drivers seat. You make the rules once the buzzer goes off. And like I heard today (after I was done riding), 'Sit up and ride the horse. Ride right down to the bottom and own the place'. So there it is, my thoughts about trusting yourself. You trust yourself, you trust your horse and you can come down to any jump as arrogant as you want! Sounds easy huh? Ha-ha... That's all for now, off to bed!

Monday, April 12, 2010

'It feels like starting over...'-JCP

Well, this should be an interesting endeavored...

I started my quest for riding in Grand Prix in June 2007. At the time I knew very little and I didnt care, I had the heart, the 'guts', and most of all the unstopping desire to reach my goal. I had managed to be very successful in my first few year and started to acquire some nice horses. All with some good sized issues, whether it be lameness, lack of confidence, and mainly lack of experience!
Yesterday I went to a horse show in NJ, and on my travels there, I started to just meditate on all of my horses, and seeing what each horse has given me, feeling the confidence they have instilled in me, and knowing that I am but a small piece to this giant puzzle I'm looking to complete in my life.
I was a bit taken back yesterday when my coach, also my best friend, told me that he felt like we were starting all over again and sort of acted as if he wasnt excited to be taking those fist steps again. I suppose I have learned a lot in the last few years, and I believe the most important thing is that there is no value you can place on experience. You can buy the best horse, and you might have great talent, but experience, experience is what will make you truly great. So here I head back to the 'drawing board' to soak up more experience. I used to want everything all at once, but I know now thats not the way to do it. So bring on the experience!!! I'll take a full helping please.
I tried explaining to my friend yesterday that life is a lot like walking into the city with all of its skyscrapers, and buildings. We choose to walk to into certain buildings much like we choose a goal. You walk in and the lobby is generally pleasant area. The receptionist greats you and tells you where you need to go... at that moment you have the choice, stairs or elevator? Most times I take the elevator to save time, and face it I'm not really interested in climbing all the stairs! But a lot like life, the elevator doesnt always work, but the stairs.. the stairs are never broken! They are always there to lead the way up and after a certain amount of climbing, and a little sweat forming on your brow you start to think, geez this better be worth it when I get to the top. You see a sign on your way and you open a door to a certain floor and you welcome the break. You walk around, get a drink, maybe do some chatting but all the wile eating up valuable time from you reaching your goal. At each level you stop at the option to turn back is always there, and the option to just stay where you are, is always there. So its your choice to keep going. And I think thats what I've realized lately, its my choice to keep climbing the stairs and no one elses. As my analogy did not work for my friend and I received a very strange look as he reached over to turn up the music, I sat back and just smiled. I felt great. I felt excited and I felt ready to make mistakes and grow. I can only be my best today, and thats what we went for.

At the show I decided to take Baggie and Alice in the Level 4, 5, 6/7nd Ganowe in the L 5 and 6/7. all went pretty well. Alice was 2nd and Baggie 3rd in the L4 (4') and then Baggie was 1st in his first L5 (4'3) class, Ganowe was 2nd, and Alice 3rd, and then in the L6/7 (4'6-4'9), Baggie was 1st again, Ganowe 4th, and Alice 5th... It was a wonderful day back in the tack over some bigger jumps. With each step that each horse made into the ring, I smiled, I smiled know that each step they took with me was a step to my goals, and I appreciated all the effort they were giving me. I told my friend the night before, that win, loose, or draw I was ready to whatever came my way. And I think Iwas. Baggie had never jumped a big course before and hadn't shown since Harrisburg in October, and the same went for Ganowe, he hadnt shown since Washington International in October. And yes, the same went for me! I had to dust off the old boots and allow all of my 'mental training' to come into play. I do have to say, at least because I want to remember it since it was pretty funny at the time, I went first into the L 6/7 class and the added 3-6 inches did look, um bigger! With the first jumping being a nice sized oxer I could feel Baggie thinking, oh my goodness has this lady gone crazy? Not that he was coming back from the jumps but I could feel him using his body differently, and I could feel him thinking about the turns and the approach to the jumps and him knowing, wow these are bigger then last time... so, in my mind I thought, ok your jumping all of these, and I took him around the course. As I came out of the ring Jimmy laughed and asked if I was preparing for the Maryland Hunt Cup. By no means a compliment however I want it to be a mark in Mine and Baggies relationship. There is only room to get better, and in my mind no way but up. I have a destiny with the top floor, and each day I ride, each horse I ride, each night I go to bed thinking about my goals is one step closer to the top!

Hang on and enjoy the ride - Yeeeha!