I have had a pretty exciting day today. Usually I write about my show days or the days leading up to it. However - today was an unexpected surprise.
I don't know where you are in the world right now but to paint a picture of the day I had lined up was to get dressed in my many layers, given the 'balmy' temperatures of 25 degrees out side, go out into the icey, snowy tundra of my Pennsylvania farm and proceed to turn horses/ponies out to their paddocks, muck stalls, feed, and ride. Given that there was no fox hunting today, this would look to be a welcome 'day off'.

On top off the excitement of mucking out 26 stalls, I was to meet with a CWD (saddle company) rep in hopes to get a professional sponsorship. The meeting or interview went great! I'm very excited and I hope to continue on with 'THE FITTING PROCESS' by the end of March. VERY EXCITING!

So, on about my daily routines after my interview, being all excited, came another surprise which came in the form of a text, telling me that there was an article in the Chronicle Connection. I know that my ways may seem strange to some, but it was so relieving to have an article written that just seemed to 'Get It'!
I really feel strongly about connecting to my horses, understanding them, and letting them be. Most of the horses I get are usually sour or sore whether it be from racing, eventing, show jumping or hunters. It happens all the time, I know, but it doesn't mean a horse is done. It doesn't mean you need a new one, it means its time to get back to the animals needs. Because that's just it.... they are animals. The need our love, and direction, they need freedom, and understand control. They are amazing creatures.
I hope that by the end of my career I can help to influence this style of horsemanship throughout of equestrian world.
And thank you to the Chronicle Connection and Molly Sorge for such a great read.
Cheers - Priscilla