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Sunday, August 29, 2010

Duncraven August 29th 2010

Candle has been burning at both ends for the last two weeks... so don't mind me if I'm not as insightful as I should be.

I did have a good day at the show. I took Ganowe in the Meter 1.25 class and he felt great. We were able to be the fastest clear to win.

Also went in the 10,000 Mini Prix at Meter 1.30... course and fences were great I really enjoyed some of the different things the course asked from us as riders.

Our out come in the Mini Prix was not what I had planned, haha, but we finished 10th and I felt really good about what I learned and accomplished.

I 'facebook stalked' someone we all know at the horse shows, Brian Livell, and on his FB he has a quote:

"The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it."

I don't know why, but for some reason it hit a cord with me and I'm going to use that to sum up the day.

Good Night all, see you Thursday and Saturday at Quentin :-)

Cheers - P

Saturday, August 14, 2010

The Super 5's @ London Grove Horse Show - August 14th, 2010


I don't have anything super exciting to report and don't have any pictures (sorry).

Horses that I took to show (MY SUPER 5 YEAR OLDS - haha):

All three horses were great. They are definitely handling the new world of horse showing as a 'cool new thing'. The most exciting part is that as each class progressed they got better and better.

Tinkadid great in the L2's, and seemed very comfortable with the height while learning about turns and new jumps. I think after the first 2 classes she would have been perfectly ready to do a class in the L3's

Braddockwill need to move up into the L2's. He was very comfortable in the L1's placing very well in all three classes. Time for a step up buddy!

La Grangewas the coolest, as in he was very 'chill' and he jumped GREAT! Probably one of his best shows.

Okay, I'm tired and ready for bed! Night all :-)


Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Sunday August 8th 2010 Berks County Mini Prix & Puissance

Hello Everyone! Yes I know its Tuesday, not Sunday but I wanted to wait until the pictures were up so I could share them...

I had such a great time and my horses; Judge Beautiful, and Ganowe 2 were just awesome!

'JB' was entered in the Puissance and since I entered late I was at the top of the order of go.. We made it to the 4th and final round at 5'4", by puissance record standings isn't huge but for my 3rd go at the puissance I was happy at the height to get experience. 'JB' was all game and seriously had it in her to keep jumping a big wall.

My lack of experience and not knowing where to be at the base got me in trouble in the final round having the fence down... but we were one of three to actually complete the two jumps and not to crash into them! Which was impressive to me and showed me how much heart my little girl really has... ps.. 'JB' is maybe, just maybe 16.1 hh and I'm at least 5'9" so, I was out there looking like I was on a pony! Great effort for the girlie considering the jump was bigger than she was!

Ganowe was entered in the $5000 Mini Prix and we were 3rd to go in the order out of 15... We ended up one of two horses that made a clear effort in the first go and went on to win the mini prix. It was such an honor to ride him, and then to have them put the ribbon around him made me feel so happy for him. He so deserved the ribbon, and I feel like he knew that's where he belonged. Ganowe is such a cool horse, and he loves to compete. It was nice to give him a good ride and I felt we were able to be a successful team together.

After we were all done and the horses were wrapped and on the truck ready to go home, they had a look in their eye that they were proud of themselves too. That's a good feeling.

Next show will be Vince Dugans, I'm taking Braddock and Tinka! Wish us luck :-)
